The  History  of  B&B

Before registering Acidic Ink as a start-up publishing business in 2022, Valheim ran a Publication called Bits & Bones on

Since then, Acidic Ink has come to absorb Bits & Bones as its non-fiction branch. The two publications work in tandem, separated primarily by their base genre:

Fiction (Acidic Ink)  and  Non-Fiction (Bits & Bones)

Bits & Bones

The Bits & Bones Publication launched in the height of the pandemic  mid 2020.

The publication originally served as a gallery for the speculative prose and creative non-fiction of Slaidey Valheim.

In 2023 Bits & Bones will be expanding its "Graveyard" to produce anthologies/zines incorporating other writers and highlighting the beauty of non-fiction in prose.


Bits & Bones sets itself apart on Medium through the use of customized thumbnails.

As a subsidiary branch of Acidic Ink it is important that B&B reflects its value in accurate visual communication.

Bits & Bones serves as the benchmark for the quality of story telling Acidic Ink Publishing aims to bring to the literary world.


There's few things better in prose than a well-themed collection and Bits & Bones is dedicated to producing content of the highest cohesive nature.

B&B achieves this by meticulously curating its subject matter; consistency is key.

You will find this quality both in the excerpts posted to the Bits & Bones Publication and its published collections on Amazon.


To provide the highest emotional impact, Bits & Bones does not restrict itself to "traditional conventions" of literature. When it comes to Non-fiction, B&B showcases only what is real and RAW.

And sometimes capturing that pure essence of human experience doesn't conform to grammar or syntax or... the dictionary, in some cases.

Telling an impactful story is Acidic Ink Publishing's top priority, and we'll be damned if we let the restrictions of language get in our way of doing so!

Bits & Bones started as a Medium publication, and still hosts excerpts, passages, and pieces on it.

Medium as a platform has become less accessible than others due to subscription fees, so although following the publication ON Medium is very appreciated, all applicable new posts will offered to readers through free-to-read links over on B&B's Ko-fi page.

Bits & Bones on Youtube

The content of Bits & Bones are occasionally turned into audio versions and accompanied by visuals, uploaded onto Youtube.

If you like being read to feel the flow of the words as they were intended you should subscribe for  that sort of content!

As Acidic Ink's official "content channel" this is also where teasers for new projects and stories will be hosted and shared!

Bits & Bones
in ChapBooks!

Older Bits & Bones content that's been posted to Medium, or works by Ollie Ander featured in other literary spaces (that have regained distribution rights) are collected up into chapbooks and made available in the B&B Ko-fi store!

These chapbooks are available to download directly, in PDF or Epub formats.

Some are free to read, and there are discounts for supporters!

Visit & Follow the Bit & Bones Ko-fi page for ALL content and updates for the above content!!